Regarding Bush’s Texas Air National Guard record it might be instructive to look at the process and techniques of the people who have covered this up. It might reveal what they will do next and it might also reveal if they are using the same techniques in other areas.
First the Fixer has to find out the total extent of the “bad acts”. They must determine:
a) Who knows about them?
b) What they know
c) When did they know it?
d) What hard proof do they have of the “bad acts?”
Second the Fixer examines their psychological profile of witnesses to see what drives them to determine if they will talk or keep their mouth shut.
Third the Fixer Determines the various techniques and leverage points that can be used to make the bad data go away.
Finally the Fixer implements the plan in steps.
1) Destroy the evidence. The Fixer contacts loyalist who act as Scrubbers to destroy the easily obtainable evidence.
2) Reclassify the hard to get evidence as personal, medical or secret.
3) Create a simple alternative story to replace the bad story.
4) If one of the witnesses won’t keep their mouth shut, discredit them and look for inconsistencies in their story and then human or career leverage points to use against them.
5) Obscure the story with irrelevant technical data filled with misleading information.
6) If witnesses keep coming, threaten people’s jobs or career. Alternatively appeal to their “patriotism”. And desire to do what is “right” for the country based on current situation. “Things will be worst for you and the military if this comes out because Blank would be President and he won’t fund you like we know Blank will.”
7) Go on the offensive and attack the other side in some similar area.
8) If rumors of “bad acts” evidence do leak out, point out the partisan nature of leak source and ask questions to see if they have a financial incentive to leak this info (e.g. sell a book, received money from partisan source or media.)
9) If rumors of “bad acts” evidence leak out, downplay the scope and the nature of the bad act(s). Convince the other side to say, “Nobody cares. There are more important things that we should focus on.”
10) Contextualize bad acts as acceptable in their historical context: “Everyone was doing it.” At the time it was no big deal. People only care about it now because of the famousness of the “bad actor” if a non-famous person acted the same way then they would have the same treatment for their “bad acts”, namely ignored.
11) If some facts of bad evidence do leak out, claim that it was the fault of “previous groups or individuals who are now dead and can’t defend their actions which were simply sloppy mistakes and not pre-meditated acts of covering up information.”
12) Focus on current behavior that is 180 degrees opposed from bad behavior that happened decades ago.
This is where we are at now with Bush and his service in TANG. The next steps will probably return to steps 6 -12. Then here are some possible next steps.
13) Finally admit to the evidence. Apologize. Ask the public to forgive you, talk about your shame and how this shame caused you to hide bad acts. Don’t focus on “legal’ repercussions of bad acts, just the moral ones because you can be forgiven for moral failures and don’t have to go to jail for them. Focus on the redemptive power of being born again which happened after the bad acts. Focus on what you are doing now that is NOT like what you did then and how your bad act at the time in fact LEAD to the good acts that you are doing now. So those bad acts actually HELPED you be the good person you are now.
14) Blame others for digging into “private” information that others don’t have to provide. Claim right to privacy and executive privilege. Act for investigations into others people’s acts if they are going to investigate yours. Get a quid pro quid from the media out of the deal so they can feel “balanced.”
15) Profit!