A Modified Form of Shunning
I love Miss Manners. She takes things that appear to be about an etiquette rule and addresses the real issue underneath it all.
Today I spotted an H2. It was shiny and dark green. It looked ready to roll over pesky humans.
Looking for Hummer photos to illustrate post this I noticed no photos on the official site showed the "car" looming over people or cars. No mention of gas mileage could be found. There were no photos of them rolling over things or people and crushing them. No photos of the actual size of the men's... egos before and after their purchase.
As I crossed the street in front of the behemoth, I peered through the windshield. Who buys these things?
Driver: Male. 30ish. Sunglasses, not mirrored, but that colored coating going on that forms rainbows. Dark hair. Hairline receding. Dark warm up type jacket with a "sheen" to it.I wanted to say or do something to express my displeasure with their choice of vehicle. But who am I to tell them what to do? Aren't they free to do what ever they want if they can afford it? Isn't this America?
Passenger: Female. 30ish Blonde "South Bay" haircut with dark roots showing. Tan. Too much makeup. Wearing a white jacket and a white ribbed sweater. Gold jewelry and accessories.
These articles (from The Detroit News) make the point--more that once--that the owners of these vehicles don't care about what others think. The owners can't be allowed to care because if they did they might feel shame. Why does one author argue so hard for not caring if there wasn't some nagging feeling of shame? Instead, there is the suggestion that owners:
- bully themselves through the shame
- surround themselves with others who don't care
- mock people who do care
- dispute science and society and any rational reasons to care
- deny that their choices have any impact
In the cause of disassociating themselves from the rest of the world, papers are commissioned, think tanks are created, PR firms are hired and op/ed authors are paid to say you don't have to care.They want to send a message to people that Caring about others is weak. And for men, it’s not a “manly thing to do”. Real men don’t hug trees.
Anything that hints of a connection and responsibility for anyone other than themselves is twisted, denied or ridiculed. If they weren’t, childhood lessons of right and wrong might come rushing back. Imagine this H2 owner as a child:
If Sam eats 3/4's of the cake that means the other five kids will get less. Then Sam has to come up with rationalizations for WHY what he did was okay.
"It's my party! I deserve more!
I got here first! Three kids are girls and they don't really want more cake anyway. They are on a (mocking tone)...diet... I NEED this cake so I can ride my bike really fast! My mom baked it so I should get most of it. If I didn't invite you, you wouldn't get ANY cake, so be grateful. Finally, "My mom will go and buy some more cake for everyone else. Let's pay soldier until she gets back from the store!"
As Miss Manners would point out, part of getting along in society is good manners. Society uses subtle and not so subtle methods to express their displeasure and encourage certain activities.
Trying to explain the impact of their choices to these drivers would do nothing, they have set up a worldview where they won't take in conflicting info. But maybe a modified form of shunning would help change attitudes.
In the future when I see a Hummer, H2 or huge SUV I will point and laugh and maybe roll my eyes as I shake my head to say to them, "You silly men and women under the illusion you are safer in your vehicle. You think you are not a part of society, and bear no responsibility for your choices that impact all of us, but your choices do matter, now stop eating all the cake."
Or, if you see them at a gas pump complaining about prices (like my sister did) lay them out flat with a good right hook. Okay, she didn't, but she WANTED to.
Yeah, that's a modifed form of shunning! Next time your sister hears them do this ask her to burst out laughing. Pointing and laughing would be especially nice. Then if they are with someone have your sister bring them over and say, "The owner of this H2 is COMPLAINING about gas prices! Can you believe it! Ha HA HA AHAHAHAH!"
Of course the person driving will probably get all pissed off and will huff off (or they will shoot you, always a small risk with these nut balls, but he'll probably miss.) Mission Accomplished!
Thanks for stopping by and posting the story!
Mockery is a subtle form of voicing societal displeasure. The car is supposed to give them an aura. Mock the aura and they won't buy the car.
We have several around town, and I stare rudely, or laugh and point if I have passengers in the car. So many times it is a perky blond woman driving her child to school, obviously needed the monolith machine because she'll be attacked by deranged terrorists between her house and the school.
Well...when gas goes up to 4 or 5 dollars a gallon, disgruntled neighbors will attack with ice picks and rotten tomatoes....
Ellroon, you are just too cool for school.
I was thinking about bumper stickers I could slap on them hummers. I know the guy did the "I'm changing the climate, ask me how." But I wanted to some thing that was more taunting like,
"Yes, I only get 7 miles to the gallon. Suck it!"
"My need to guzzle gas is more important than your need to conserver it."
Nah, neither of those sing.
How about Guzzling Gas for Jesus.
"I don't give a shit what you think of my milage. I'm rich and in Charge!"
I'm going to have to come up with better slogans.
OOoo, Guzzling Gas for Jesus does have a certain style to it. ...something like: After I'm Done Guzzling Gas for Jesus, I'm Rapturizing Outta Here, Suckers!
Bumper stickers, you say? Nevsky of 2+2=5 came up with this one awhile ago...
CmdrSue, HA!
The fact that you let the bumpersticker link tell the joke, rather than just telling it here, makes me like you just a little bit more than I already do. That and the fact that you give credit to the person who found it first. (Not to mention the fact that you read my blog, which already takes you head and shoulders above mere humans in the blogosphere.)
Always's give credit when you can.That's part of the comedian code. And if it doesn't get in the way of the joke, even better. (Don't get in the way of the joke is number two on the code.)
Good on you, Cmdrsue! (Hey, that rhymes!)
I have a few ideas my buddy Mike and I have batted around about SUV stickers.
"My Pollution Will be Paid For By Your Honor Student"
"If You Got the Same Shitty MPG I Got In This, You'd Want to Take it Off Your Taxes, Too"
"I Don't Know How Many Animals Died for This Car, But You Don't Know How Many Animals I Had to Fuck to Buy It"
"Exxon Uber Alles!"
"I Want to Be Buried In My Hummer...and You Can Help!"
"I Bought the Only Vehicle That Sucks as Much as I Do"
"H2's Get More MPG: Morons Per Generation"
"Conservation: A Great Idea, Let's Try It!"
"I Fucked Your Mother (Nature)"
"Paid For By a Generous Deduction from the Dubyament"
"I'm the Reason Your Kid Can't Take Piano Lessons"
"Mother Nature? Yeah, I Screwed Her"
"Thank God These Tinted Windows Hide My Bald Spot and Small Testicles"
"I Have to Drive This Hummer For Medical Reasons: I Have Clinical Head-up-Ass-itis"
"By The Time You Read This I'll Have Already Run Out of Gas"
Midnighter: SO many great ones! Thank your buddy too.
There are my favorite in no special order:
"I Bought the Only Vehicle That Sucks as Much as I Do"
"I Don't Know How Many Animals Died for This Car, But You Don't Know How Many Animals I Had to Fuck to Buy It"
"By The Time You Read This I'll Have Already Run Out of Gas"
"Thank God These Tinted Windows Hide My Bald Spot and Small Testicles"
But I think my favorite might be this one:
"I'm the Reason Your Kid Can't Take Piano Lessons"
CLASSIC! Good work.
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