Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Melanie Morgan of KSFO: "The LA Times actually doctored photographs"

Douglas Frantz, Managing Editor
Bob Chamberlin, staff photographer
Gina Ferazzi, staff photographer
Los Angeles Times

Dear Mr. Frantz, Mr. Chamberlin and Ms. Ferazzi:

On March 28th Melanie Morgan of KSFO radio in San Francisco accused the LA Times of doctoring photos from the protest this last weekend to show only America flags in the crowd. Her co-host, Lee Rogers, agreed with her.

Specifically Morgan said, "The LA Times actually doctored photographs to make it look as if they were ALL American flags and there were NO Mexican flags."

Lee Rogers: "What? A major liberal newspaper would falsify the news?"

Melanie Morgan: "Yes."

Lee Rogers: "Why that's unprecedented, isn't it."

Melanie Morgan: And ESPECIALLY the Los Angeles Times."

Here is the audio clip of the exchange: (Link. Windows audio clip. 43 seconds)

[ Note: ^ This is a doctored photo. The image was flipped by the author and captions added.]

The journalistic integrity of your paper has been questioned as well as your personal photojournalism ethics. Now I suppose you can say, "it was just a slip of the tongue and she simply 'misspoke'. Besides, they are just a couple of talk radio hosts joking." But Ms. Morgan spoke with confidence that the photos were doctored, so perhaps she has proof she can provide you with. As a former ABC-TV researcher, television reporter and anchor I'm sure Ms. Morgan clearly knows the meaning of the word doctored. If she has deliberately and reckless accused you of doctoring photos with no proof, perhaps she owes you an apology.

In 2003 the Los Angeles Times fired its own photographer, Brian Walski, for doctoring a photo, so clearly you take this issue seriously. I hope you take these allegations seriously as well.

KSFO's business line is (415) 398-5600, but the emails for Melanie Morgan and her co-host Lee Rogers are: melaniemorgan @ abc-sf.com and leerodgers @ abc-sf.com. KSFO is currently owned by ABC Radio, a Disney company which I believe has offices in Southern California.

If you want to hear even more of the clip to get the total context I will be happy to provide it.
My blog: www.spockosbrain.com


Los Angeles Times
Managing Editors: Douglas Frantz (News)
Shelby Grad, City Desk
Teresa Watanabe, Staff Writer
Hector Becerra, Staff Writer
David Garcia Director, Media Relations

Associated Press
Ann Johansson, photographer

ABC Radio
John Hare, President

Columbia Journalism School
Prof. Sreenath Sreenivasan
Dean of Students

Penn State University
Dr. Russell Frank,
Professor News Media Ethics

Media Matters
Anna Dimond

Update: Did you find this blog post because of the Reuter's doctored photo story? Be sure to read the LA Times response to Melanie Morgan's FALSE accusation that they doctored their photos of the immigration protests in LA.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you getting ABC's permission to use those promotional photos and doctor them?

10:54 AM  
Anonymous HowdyDoody said...

Came over from Atrios; wow I'm impressed by your activism/blog.

7:37 PM  
Blogger spocko said...

Thanks Howdydoody!

Drop by anytime! And if you feel the need to write a letter to some of these folks please cc me on it.

7:58 PM  
Blogger PTCruiser said...

It takes an extremely brave type of individual to post an "Anonymous" comment on this blog.

Seeing as how the government is constantly watching us, you can't be too careful about who knows you are a secret Spocko's Brain Fan.

It's OK, your secret is safe with us.

Good job, Anonymous.

8:45 PM  
Blogger kelley b. said...

They're just trying to keep up with the Big Apple.

How's this: The Los Angeles Pravda?

Do they have their own Carlyle Group memeber managing editor, too?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...


11:52 PM  

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