Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Thomas Jefferson's Ghost Vomit! Ick!


Sam said...

"Who are you working for?
How much do you get paid an hour?
What metrics do you use to say that you have created “buzz” on the blogs?
Do you work for an agency or do you work for the movie studio?
What other parts of your buzz campaign involve blogs?
Do you also post in message boards or blogs on the right? (they often don’t allow comments so I guess not)
How many “personas” have you created?
Do you have a few key message points that you have to get across about the movie or do you just focus on the name with links to the movie?
Why link to those sites? Because it won’t be seen as commerical?
How old are you?
Are you a man or a woman?
How many other movies or TV shows do you work on? Products? Services?

Thanks for the info!"

You worry too much.

The moment the title and the star of the film hit the internet, it became the biggest joke in the world. I mean, "SNAKES ON A PLANE", man...it doesn't get any dumber than that. And, New Line is just loving the buzz so much, they just appoved extra shoots to go from a PG-13 to an R just so Sam Jockson can say "Get these snakes off my m***** f*****'plane". Tis true, my son.

I could have sent this in the mail by the way, but I wanted to come to your site to see what's it's about. You're quite welcome to go to mine, which talked about SOAP back in August. And no, I'm not getting points for the film either. I just love the concept of the whole thing.

Enjoy your day.

3:38 PM  

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