Monday, December 04, 2006

We write letters and the good people respond

Lucie Brosseau
Rideau Hall Press Office, Governor General of Canada

Dear Lucie:

Last week the local radio hosts KSFO in San Francisco, CA said yet another disgusting thing about the UN and while reviewing some audio files I came across them joking with Ann Coulter about the death of UN Peacekeepers in South Lebanon.(Audio link 1.01 clip, comment at 45 seconds.) In my research I determined that a member of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener, was one of the men who died while serving under the Nations Truce Supervision Organization.

I wrote to the management of these radio hosts to complain, but I doubt they will do anything. The station is owned by ABC Radio Disney, but it appears that profit is a higher priority than human decency.

I wanted to pass on to you and to Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener's family that many of us in America appreciate the United Nations and especially the role that brave Canadians have played as Peacekeepers. Please don't judge us by our most obnoxious broadcast radio hosts.

Finally, I wanted to just pass on my thanks for your well written release honoring Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener and let you know I honored them as well in this post.

Mr. Spocko

Response from Governor General of Canada's office

Dear Sir,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, I am responding to your e-mail below. Please accept my apologies for the delay in sending this response.

Thank you for your taking the time to write and share your views with the Governor General on this issue. Your efforts to commemorate the courageous spirit and tragic passing of Major Hess-von Kruedener on your Web site is very much appreciated.

Thank you for writing.

Yours sincerely,

Lisa Bryden, INFO
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive / 1, promenade Sussex
Ottawa ON K1A 0A1
e-mail / courriel:


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