It was Spocko's Speech that WAS Silenced
I'd like to talk a moment about power. And what people in power will do to maintain that power by using multiple methods, both legal and otherwise.
On KSFO's "Very Special Program" on Friday listeners didn't hear what this was really all about. As you know, broadcast radio is primarily a one way medium, and even a "open forum" is an illusion.
The station was easily able to frame the issue and the format of the show. There was no third party acting as the moderator. There was no neutral turf, either in a blog or on the radio in which a reasonable debate could take place.
The show and topic were framed by Rodgers, Morgan and by the station management. Melanie was under attack! (Valiant MAF members read that Polly is in trouble, they must not be slow. What red blooded warblogger could resist?) Those nasty "crackpots with keyboards" are out to censor their free speech!
They didn't talk about WHY this was even an issue. All that "legal stuff" just couldn't be addressed! Was it because it was "above Melanie's pay grade" as she put it?
No. They wanted to change the focus. From what they did (shut down my blog and limit my free speech) and why they did it (because they were losing advertisers who were horrified at what they were supporting) to something they are more comfortable with doing: attacking, whining, misrepresenting the truth, non-apologizing or actually apologizing and finally, playing victim.
Here is what they didn't want to talk about.
ABC/Disney's lawyers shut down my blog, silencing my free speech using dubious copyright claims simply because they thought they could get away with it. They wanted to intimidate (and they would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling bloggers who helped me get back up).
As an individual, all I can do is attempt to persuade and educate so that advertisers can make their own decision. I don't have lawyers who can scare the heck out of the largest hosting firm in Germany (and one of biggest in the US).
What I also want to point out to people, and it should put a chill down the spine of all free speech advocates, is that I COMPLIED with the Cease and Desist order from ABC/Disney. I also complied with the Terms and Conditions of 1&1 hosting which required me to remove the material within 24 hours (the KSFO audio was removed from the 1&1 host within 6 hours). But they STILL SHUT MY ENTIRE BLOG DOWN. So, if you want to see WHO ACTUALLY used their power to stifle speech look no further than ABC/Disney.
Think about what they did. Imagine that happening to you. No matter which side of this story you are on. And before you instantly believe whatever Melanie Morgan says is the truth, ask yourself, "What aren't they saying?"
On one hand they were saying I violated their copyrights. Why not have an ABC lawyer on the show and ask her? Did I in fact violate KSFO copyrights or was I well within MY free speech rights to do exactly what I did using the fair use doctrine? Why didn't they do that? Because then they couldn't play victim and it would also point out who really was the bully and raise the other question: "WHY did ABC/Disney do this?" Why bother? Just how much money DID they lose?
$1,000?, $10,000? How many advertisers HAVE they lost? Not just now, but earlier from the Sussman show and the entire station? What did they have to do to get them to come back? Did some never come back? How many? How many just quietly said, "This isn't our cup of tea. We won't be back."?
Because that would be an interesting story as well. Has their negative reputation now spread in the advertising community? "Are they now saying, "Oh yeah this is that station that called our buyers, 'craven little time buyers at an advertising agency someplace who have no guts whatsoever'. So now they will know that KSFO's hosts are different. They are "controversial", but not in a good way.
But even if it was only one (and we have third-party independent confirmation of FOUR major national advertisers), I think people need to see that Disney/ABC was willing to use their power in a very dubious manner to promote and protect a tiny amount of revenue to shut up a 5th tier blogger. Just how much damage will this do to the ABC Radio brand? How much to the Disney brand? This story has traveled around the world. What was the cost benefit relationship of this decision? Was it worth it?
But that wasn't something that Morgan, Rogers, Brenner and Sussman talked about. Why? Because they were wrong and they know it. Management knows it. And the lawyers know it.
On KSFO's "Very Special Program" on Friday listeners didn't hear what this was really all about. As you know, broadcast radio is primarily a one way medium, and even a "open forum" is an illusion.
The station was easily able to frame the issue and the format of the show. There was no third party acting as the moderator. There was no neutral turf, either in a blog or on the radio in which a reasonable debate could take place.
The show and topic were framed by Rodgers, Morgan and by the station management. Melanie was under attack! (Valiant MAF members read that Polly is in trouble, they must not be slow. What red blooded warblogger could resist?) Those nasty "crackpots with keyboards" are out to censor their free speech!
They didn't talk about WHY this was even an issue. All that "legal stuff" just couldn't be addressed! Was it because it was "above Melanie's pay grade" as she put it?
No. They wanted to change the focus. From what they did (shut down my blog and limit my free speech) and why they did it (because they were losing advertisers who were horrified at what they were supporting) to something they are more comfortable with doing: attacking, whining, misrepresenting the truth, non-apologizing or actually apologizing and finally, playing victim.
Here is what they didn't want to talk about.
ABC/Disney's lawyers shut down my blog, silencing my free speech using dubious copyright claims simply because they thought they could get away with it. They wanted to intimidate (and they would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling bloggers who helped me get back up).
As an individual, all I can do is attempt to persuade and educate so that advertisers can make their own decision. I don't have lawyers who can scare the heck out of the largest hosting firm in Germany (and one of biggest in the US).
What I also want to point out to people, and it should put a chill down the spine of all free speech advocates, is that I COMPLIED with the Cease and Desist order from ABC/Disney. I also complied with the Terms and Conditions of 1&1 hosting which required me to remove the material within 24 hours (the KSFO audio was removed from the 1&1 host within 6 hours). But they STILL SHUT MY ENTIRE BLOG DOWN. So, if you want to see WHO ACTUALLY used their power to stifle speech look no further than ABC/Disney.
Think about what they did. Imagine that happening to you. No matter which side of this story you are on. And before you instantly believe whatever Melanie Morgan says is the truth, ask yourself, "What aren't they saying?"
On one hand they were saying I violated their copyrights. Why not have an ABC lawyer on the show and ask her? Did I in fact violate KSFO copyrights or was I well within MY free speech rights to do exactly what I did using the fair use doctrine? Why didn't they do that? Because then they couldn't play victim and it would also point out who really was the bully and raise the other question: "WHY did ABC/Disney do this?" Why bother? Just how much money DID they lose?
$1,000?, $10,000? How many advertisers HAVE they lost? Not just now, but earlier from the Sussman show and the entire station? What did they have to do to get them to come back? Did some never come back? How many? How many just quietly said, "This isn't our cup of tea. We won't be back."?
Because that would be an interesting story as well. Has their negative reputation now spread in the advertising community? "Are they now saying, "Oh yeah this is that station that called our buyers, 'craven little time buyers at an advertising agency someplace who have no guts whatsoever'. So now they will know that KSFO's hosts are different. They are "controversial", but not in a good way.
But even if it was only one (and we have third-party independent confirmation of FOUR major national advertisers), I think people need to see that Disney/ABC was willing to use their power in a very dubious manner to promote and protect a tiny amount of revenue to shut up a 5th tier blogger. Just how much damage will this do to the ABC Radio brand? How much to the Disney brand? This story has traveled around the world. What was the cost benefit relationship of this decision? Was it worth it?
But that wasn't something that Morgan, Rogers, Brenner and Sussman talked about. Why? Because they were wrong and they know it. Management knows it. And the lawyers know it.
The last few days I have taken the time to read your earlier posts, the various other blogs, (Oh yeah, they even spoke about you and this entire situation with KSFO/ABC/Disney on AirAmerica Radio!) and I am now a fan of yours and officially stand with you (I always have anyways, but I'll help you also, as I can!) against those that would silence the REAL truth!
It is interesting however that ABC/Disney would go to the extent they have in shutting you down, it certainly begs the question you ask.....
What amount of damage is potential here?
What amount of damage HAS been done so far?
What are they so afraid of?
No wonder the big corporations are trying to get rid of Net-Neutrality
Here's a humble suggestion for the dipsticks at KSFO to consider: Hold your wee for a Wii contest for your listeners? Their listeners are stupid enough to fall for that one.
Spocko you Rocko - thanks for rattling the knuckle draggers cage.
Never heard of your blog before KSFO (you got about a million dollars of free publicity - your site grows and their radio station shrinks - poetic justice)
I see something interesting and hopeful happening in this country. Pot smokers aligning with guns rights folks all mad about loosing liberties. Environmentalists and religous types joining forces to protect the miracle of Gods creation. Financial conservatives and social activists united about squandering the nations treasury. Johnathan Turley and Bruce Fein aligning with ACLU on privacy rights.
ALL ALL ALL of these divergent groups distancing themselves From Republicans.
Keep on Truckin
Heya, Spocko,
I blogged ya!
The Mouse That Whined:
Spocko you Rocko - thanks for rattling the cage of the knuckle draggers.
Never heard of your blog before KSFO (you got about a million dollars of free publicity - your site grows and their radio station shrinks - poetic justice)
I see something interesting and hopeful happening in this country. Pot smokers aligning with guns rights folks all mad about loosing liberties. Environmentalists and religous types joining forces to protect the miracle of Gods creation. Financial conservatives and social activists united about squandering the nations treasury. Johnathan Turley and Bruce Fein aligning with ACLU on privacy rights.
ALL ALL ALL of these divergent groups distancing themselves vrom Republicans.
Keep on Truckin
I must take issue with your assessment that Keep Spocko F@#$ed Over radio is somehow "controversial".
Like the Intelligent Design "controversy", the global warming "controversy", and so many other causes celebre of this type of entity, there really is no controversy.
KSFO broadcast hate speech.
Spocko pointed this out to advertisers.
KSFO/ABC/Disney stifled Spocko's alleged right to free speech, in defence of their own.
KFSO has not shut down. KFSO's server is not under threat from Rathouse lawyers. KFSO is not only indulging its free (hate) speech rights to the fullest, it's still restricting the opposing views.
KFSO, as supported by their parent network, ABC/Disney, is a harmonica for bigots to play their sad little tunes on. No controversy; not disprovable or disputable; confirmed, in fact, from their own foaming lips.
Let Melanie, Brian, and all their friends meet with the opposition (by whom I mean the ordinary people who will never get heard on any airwaves KSFO owns) on neutral ground, say a university auditorium somewhere. Ensure the place is protest-free so they can say their piece and answer the important questions that they have yet to discuss.
Let them try to be "controversial" then.
Spocko -
The stupid hate talk that Morgan and comapny can't help but spew may cost KSFO dearly. Her comments about "gutless" media buyers has not gone unoticed by the media buying community:
I think advertising sales will continue to be lean at old KSFO - Citadel can't be happy with that development.
Keep up the good work!
you will be pleased to know that hannity had a meltdown yesterday about the fair use doctrine and also having more balanced shows. he 'debated' with a senator whose name escapes me at this moment- but i will find out- and accused the senator of trying to get rid of his job. all because the senator wanted both sides of the story not just one-sided rhetoric. there is hope yet.
I've been following this since I first heard of it a few weeks ago. I'm an American living in France and blogging is one important way for me to participate in politiical issuues in America...I am a citizen and I vote!
I did a few blogs about Mr. Spocko and his plight and followed Media Matters and tried to provide helpful links for any one who cared to participate.
What is great about what ha s happened is that though it is still a real serious fight legally for Spocko, KSFO has become the lightning rod of
attention to hate radio. They have become the abused poster children of hate! I will follow this because I believe it will have a positiive ending! We can't let the spotlight fade away! Bon Chance!
Just a note to all you iPlodders out there, Steve Jobs is a director of the Disney Corp...
so you may want to keep that in mind next time you browse the iPlod store. Maybe let Steve know how much he is hurting his own brand by being associated with these types. Is he aware that this happened? Has he tried to take steps to limit the damage Disney is doing to itself?
Being polite does not mean being a wimp :)
I admire what you did..speaking out is needed more in this country!
¡Esso, Spocko!
Hammer at them weeth the truth.
Spocko, you the Vulcan!
David Wu's from the Congressional district on the other side of town from me. How weird is that?
"Because they were wrong and they know it. Management knows it. And the lawyers know it."
Yeah. Those people, and the whole rest of the world.
Shine on you crazy Spocko!
You have another supporter...
I have never been much of a blogger or a blog reader, but that has all changed now.
I will do what I can to spread the word.
Thanks Spocko,
You have another supporter...
I have never been much the blogger type, but I think that has changed now.
I'll do what I can help to spread the word.
Thanks, Spocko.
I found this blog at the Center for Media and Democracy.
Kudos to you Spocko!
Keep up the good work!
I wish that I had more time myself to get involved.
I found this blog at the Center for Media and Democracy.
Kudos to you Spocko!
Keep up the good work!
I wish that I had more time myself to get involved.
Spocko, you da man.... er Vulcan!
Don't let the illogical humans get you down; logic will always triumph in the end. I'm with you. Be strong.
I agree that big media's bottom line is hurting for this and many other reasons. But I think what you are up against is big media's information-age illiteracy. I phrase it that way because it transcends mis-management and politics and blog wars. I think the core issue is that radio and TV and music are controlled by a dog that has forgotten how to learn new tricks.
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