Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The power of a "visual" narrative

Watch this video. Ask yourself, "What would I do in that situation?" How would you act if powerful people requested you do something you felt wasn't in line with your strongly-held stated beliefs and oaths you have taken or principles that your organization is supposed to represent?

What would you do if you were a government official and you felt that you (and your boss) were getting pressure to do something that you felt was illegal? Unsafe? Dangerous to lives?

It looks like I've been focused just on the pet food recall, but what I'm really focused on is how individuals and institutions act in certain critical situations. They can act on their stated values, or they can do something else. By their actions you shall know them.

The next question is, "How should we treat the powerful people who chose to pressure people to go against their strongly held beliefs?"That is a different question.

Late update: If you're pressed for time, here's a shorter version of Comey's testimony with the two most noteworthy segments:

From TalkingPointsMemo
For background on this: Glenn Greenwald.


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