Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Pipettes in SF Hang out with Spocko!

I'd just like to thank Dr. Zaius for introducing me to The Pipettes. I went to see them live at Amoeba records today.

I told them they look fabulous, asked about the animation of the video ABC (They weren't involved with choosing it so they didn't know much about it.)
They had great energy. I wish I had better photos of them, maybe that nice woman in the front row who took some good shots of them will send them to me.

I told them I would blog about seeing them. They seemed very excited to meet me since I'm famous on the internet. If they stop by on the internets to visit they are most welcome here.


Steve said...


3:07 PM  
Steve said...

They are good musicians to. Wouldn't you love to be married to a Pipette?

5:02 PM  
Barb said...

Spocko, sounds like you had a nice time!

8:11 PM  
Thom said...

Chicks rock!

7:28 AM  
Dr. Zaius said...

Thank your for the link! It was really Evil Spock's suggestion in the comments that brought them up, but I had heard of them before that. I think that the blonde Pipette that wears glasses is speaking to me psychically with her mind... and her glasses! I am very jealous that you got to meet them, and I didn't!

10:02 AM  
Steve said...

I could be like Kevin Federline. Gwenno works, on the road, I get some time to myself, she's paying the bills. . I mean Baby would should I work?

4:20 PM  
Evil Spock said...

You lucky dog!

4:43 PM  

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