"KSFO was unable to renew Melanie's contract because of across-the-board budget cuts mandated by our parent company" Hmmm. How passive voice of them. How... emotionless.
I'm going to write much more about this in the future but if there are any media people who want my comments, drop me a line. I have LOTS of things to say and a few questions that I'd like to get answers for myself regarding this "non-contract renewal".
Right now I'd like people to notice a few things about this.
Sure Citadel can talk about generic "across the board cuts" because they don't have to break out WHO was costing them how much money. And I'm sure Morgan's supporters may decide it is a conspiricy by the liberals to get conseratives off the radio,
but Morgan has no one to blame but herself for the station losing money which led to her contract not being renewed. All her future employers might want to notice this.
It was the advertisers who chose to go elsewhere rather than be associated with her and her co-hosts. We simply reflected back to the sponsors what the hosts were saying on their dime. Smart companies like Visa, MasterCard, Bank of America, FedEX, Borders Books, In and Burger and CSAAA all left KSFO when they realized that they didn't want their brand tainted by these kind of comments.
Why Morgan and not Rodgers, Sussman or "Officer Vic"?It is curious to me that Morgan was the one whose contract was not renewed. Lee Rodgers, "Officer Vic" and Brian Sussman were also responsible for KSFO's loss of over 28 national and local advertisers in 2007 because of their violent rhetoric and anti-Muslim comments. Yes some advertisers were replaced, but a local ad might not pay as much as a national. Why are they still employed? Perhaps Citadel still sees them as an assets and not liabilities. Maybe they are paid less and are cheaper to keep.
More later.
Josh Richmond of Insidebayarea.com asked for my comments on the story and I responded.
If you would like to see more of my thoughts check out
this link.And be sure to note how Morgan's Move America Forward PR person responded. As someone who directly benefited from Morgan using her position on the station as a cash register for Move America Forward, I'm sure he is disappointed in the loss of the source of revenue. Revenue that he uses to attack me instead of "supporting the troops."
And as for his comment, "I’ll never respect someone who lives in anonymity yet seeks to speak as a public figure." Please. There is a reason I use a pseudonym. We all know what Morgan, Rodgers, Sussman and "Officer Vic" as well as the management at ABC Radio do when they get the identity of someone -- character assassination, threating with death and financial ruin. I wonder if Morgan's PR person would like to offer the home addresses and real names of Lee Rodgers, Brian Sussman, "Officer Vic." (Who is neither an Officer nor named Vic, his name is Tom.) Is he willing to offer that info up? Because I'm sure Lee Rodgers would love for you to make his information public.