Making Torture Patriotic and "The Right Thing to Do"

During the process another old friend say, "Wow Spocko, you've gotten dark! You used to be so funny. Where's that funny guy I knew?"
A bit more about the group:
International: People from the UK, US and Africa,
Racial: middle eastern, black and white
Religion: Atheist (Brights), Catholic, Christian, evangelical Christian and Greek Orthodox
Professional: Law enforcement, tech, marketing, sales and design
Photo by John Curley published under Creative Commons license
I asked six questions to everyone in the group.
- Is torture wrong?
- If yes, how do you know that, what informed you?
- If it is your religion that told you this, what are your religion's current official views on torture?
- Would you torture?
- The ticking time bomb scenario is described: now would you torture?
- If yes, and if this is different from your earlier answer, what has changed?
I really appreciated the diversity of the group and the honesty of their answers.
They helped me to understand how the right goes about making torture patriotic and "the right thing to do".
This conversation, and my conversation later with one of my brilliant dinner companion and with my friend Interrobang helped me with a few rhetorical responses.
How You Become a Torturer: The Right Wing Way.
1) The Right makes torture the right thing to do by making you, in your imagination, the personal protector of life.
"What if it was YOUR child, your wife who was in the building that was going to be blown up with this time bomb. Would you torture this terrorist to get the information?" Now if you say no, you, become the bad person. In this scenario (which they love to use) torturing is the right thing to do.Photo by NTodd. Adorable child by Thers and NYMary
In the ticking time bomb scenario you are forced to chose between protecting adorable children and hurting a terrorist. "What would you do? What would you do? THERE IS NO TIME!" screams Jack Bauer.
3) In the scenario they propose, you -- the torturer -- are the hero. If you do NOT torture, in the scenario, you are the villain.
Marcy Wheeler at FireDogLake and Glenn Greenwald at Salon can go on in detail with the legal arguments and the inside baseball methods that John Yoo, David Addington, Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzalez used to make torture part of the standard operating procedure for the CIA, the military and the groups that they are in charge of. Marcy's and Glenn's work is vitally important for the country so that we can get back to real principles of the constitution.
But someone also needs to work on the emotional logic that the right used and still uses to make torture okay for their listeners/viewers.
There are a couple of ways to counter this. I'll write about some more later.
One I learned from the brilliant radio broadcaster Sam Seder.
Stop them at the first premise. I'll call it the Seder Premise Stopper. Here is how Sam might deal with a caller. (He didn't actually do this exact call, I'm just using his style as a model. )
Caller: Let's say you have captured a terrorist who has...
Sam Seder Clone: Wait wait wait. So are you in the military?
Caller: No, but that's not important
SSC: Actually it is. You say you've never served. So you are basing this on something other than direct experience in working with terrorists. What are you basing your views on? The TV show "24"? Because who has "captured" this terrorist makes a difference. Did you know that hundreds of the people at Gitmo were turned over to the military by warlords who wanted to get rid of rivals and get $5,000 bucks in cash?
Caller: Yes, I know that but I'm talking about the worst of the worst who
SSC: Did you know that hundreds of those so called "worst of the worst" in Gitmo were released without charges?
Caller: Yeah, (sensing a coup) but they are all right back there in the field now being terrorists!
SSC: Really? How many of them are we talking about here? Give me some numbers and then explain how the army screwed up and released them. Do you think it might be possible they weren't a terrorist before and are now, or maybe they were always a terrorist and the army just didn't notice? Are you are in favor of indefinite detention?
Caller: Yes.
SSC: Really? Do you think that should apply to US citizens? Would you like it if President Obama decides that the guns you stockpiled after the election and the fertilizer in your shed, combined with calls from the neighbor who sent your email about health care misinformation into the White House are cause for indefinite detention?
Caller: Now wait a minute! I'm no terrorist!
SSC: Do you or do you not own multiple guns?
Caller: I believe in the Second Amendment and the right of all citizens to bear arms
SSC: Do you or do you not own multiple guns? Yes or no?
Caller: Yes, but
SSC: Do you think President Obama is a natural born citizen?
Caller: What? What does this have to do with terrorists and torture?
SSC: Nothing. Just like your scenario has nothing to do with actual torture as it is practiced in the field. Torture as practiced by the US is not about ticking time bombs it is about protecting political views and getting false confessions (since that was the model it was created on). It is a fiction designed to help cover for a horrific immoral act that has been used, not to protect women in children from a time bomb, but to protect an image of ourselves as good Americans. It is designed to protect the Bush/Cheney administration from the consequences of their lies. Your premise is flawed, your facts are non-existent but you got one thing right.
Caller: What's that?
SSC: You aren't a terrorist, just an sad, uninformed person who needs to grow up and understand how torture and the imaginary need for torture is used in the real world by the military and CIA and by politicians and talk radio hosts who want you to reject your own religious views and intellect as well as the violate the Constitution.
Good day sir.
Labels: right-wing, talk radio, torture
Any terrorist actually tortured, in a ticking time-bomb scenario need only steel themselves and provide false information for a short time.
For example, let us say you have knowledge a bomb is set to go off in 1 hour in LA or NY, if the bomb planting terrorist can hold out for a little while and then provide you with info which sends you running 24 style to the wrong location as the bomb explodes in the other location.
To back my argument in the MEL GIBSON MOVIE Payback, Gibson undergoes a ball-peen hammer to the toes for a little while and then gives info of a false nature (in a sincere way) in order to send the torturers to a wrong location.
Right Wing Extremists don't seem to understand the committed terrorist has no expectation of survival. Torture designed to inflict pain is used because the Torturer thinks the Tortured is worried about ending the torture with the mindset of living to see the future.
And as evidenced by John McCain, some people are strong enough and crafty enough to give a false confession. I could be wrong about false confessions and all those people tortured by the Inquisition actually were Witches and in League with Lucifer!
Of course, some sadistic fucks torture for the sheer pleasure of inflicting pain on the infidel and enemy. This describes most of the Right Wing FreeRepublic Extremists who are pro-torture.
SSC: You aren't a terrorist, just an sad, uninformed person who needs to grow up and understand how torture and the imaginary need for torture is used in the real world by the military and CIA and by politicians and talk radio hosts who want you to reject your own religious views and intellect as well as the violate the Constitution.
Good day sir.
Caller (aka Fred Hiatt) then goes back to putting John Bolton op-eds (and such as) in the WaPoo.
Here's my version of that call:
"SSC: Actually it is. ... Did you know that hundreds of the people at Gitmo were turned over to the military by warlords who wanted to get rid of rivals and get $5,000 bucks in cash?"
Caller: Are you saying that the only way to form an opinion is to have direct experience about what's right and wrong is to have direct experience with it? Are you then admitting that you've raped, murdered and at least in the past been a pedophile? Because according to your premise that's the only way you'd know they were right or wrong. Yes I did know that many of the gitmo peopl were turned in by opposing warlords, since they were shooting at the same people we were I wouldn't expect them to turn in anyone but the folks they thought were enemies. because at the time they were shooting at us, they weren't just milling around the battlefield.
SSC:Did you know that hundreds of those so called "worst of the worst" in Gitmo were released without charges?
Caller:Make up your mind are you talking about people being tortured or people being captured? I have no doubt we captured people that were in the wrong place at the wrong time. This wasn't a police action this was war and just like french people in france during WWII, we held alot of those folks until we thought they were safe to release back to their homes.
SSC: Really? How many of them are we talking about here? ... Are you are in favor of indefinite detention?
caller:I have no idea how many but the army did not screw up by capturing potential combatants. If you are saying that simply detaining someone will make them terrorists they we have hundreds of thousands of them in prisons now, or are you saying that only muslims can be terrorists? No I'm not in favor of indefinite detention, but there is certainly no justification for release until the military has determined to their satisfaction if/when that potential terrorist is not a threat.
SSC: Really? Do you think that should apply to US citizens? ... indefinite detention?
caller:We're not talking about US citizens, we're nto even talking about foreign nationals since they have (at least the ones left) not been recognized by their government. There has been no request as far as I know by the Iraqi goverment to have them sent home. We actually have laws about how our government can treat it's citizenry- unlike the saddam era iraq where dissent got your village gassed. Apparently the fact that the US government has a rat line doesn't bother you.
SSC: Do you or do you not own multiple guns?
Caller: I believe in the Second Amendment and the right of all citizens to bear arms
SSC: Do you or do you not own multiple guns? Yes or no?
Caller: Yes
SSC: Do you think President Obama is a natural born citizen?
Caller: What? What does this have to do with terrorists and torture?
SSC: Nothing. ... but you got one thing right.
caller:so called "torture" as practiced by the US is no more harmful than what we train our own soldiers with. When President Obama release the memos, the "torture" memos credit waterboarding, face slapping, sleep deprivation and other techniques for producing the country's best intelligence following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. They also note that nonviolent tactics more often were successful than violence. To me that's not torture. I know a guy from haiti that was tortured. He still has nightmares and panic attacks. He had teeth pulled out with pliers and has scars where he was burned. That's torture.
We round up masses of citizens in this country, with no probable cause, make them stand on the side of the road and force them to perform absurd acts, then if the police feel they are not truthful, subject them to chemical tests and make them stay awake all night while asking them the same questions over and over. That's called a "sobriety checkpoint". I don't see liberals coming out against that.
The lefts argument that somehow, coercion, which does in fact work because law enforcement uses it every single day, is the equivalent of torture is ludicrous. When a CIA agent or and FBI agent says torture is ineffective, he correct, however he's not talking about what we did to gitmo detainees. those actions were so horrible that when briefed on it the democrats in the senate did ... nothing about it.
To equate Waterboarding to DUI arrests is insulting, ignorant and shows you have no experience with either. And to claim we expose members of the military to the "same" techniques is laughable which highlights your lack of military service.
Now, some forms of waterboarding are worse than others. For instance in the Schwedentrunk in the 30 Years War, but to continue to defend torture as just, necessary or the outright lie it produced the "best intelligence following the Sept. 11, 2001" shows obtuse ignorance, a lack of moral courage and a bloodthirsty cruel and evil streak.
And no Police Force is as you put it, "round[s] up masses of citizens in this country, with no probable cause, make them stand on the side of the road and force them to perform absurd acts".
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