KSFO-560 AM, Citadel Broadcasting, Host Brian Sussman. July 10th 2009 6 pm

Brian Sussman: Now we go to the lines on KSFO, Steve is in Fairfield. Steve you're on the air.

Steve In Fairfield: First I knew you would take my call right away...

BS: Of course. I love to take calls from people who disagree with me Steve.

SIF: Yeah and people who you told to, anyway. So first off you are aware that this pope had a big hand in hiding the, you know, moving around the priests who abused children, right?

BS: I don't know if this Pope did.

SIF:Yeah this Pope did. And second off it's absolutely amazing that

BS: Well we're talking about, listen we're talking about abortion, not pedophilia. Okay?

SIF: Yeah, I know but you are heralding this Pope like, you know, anyway.

BS: Well I'm not Catholic, I'm just appreciating his position on life.

SIF: Fine. I'm just trying to make you aware. But anyway, but I'm absolutely amazed that you are sitting here talking to that guy saying that he had views that racists did in the 60's about blacks regarding fetuses when you know damn well if you could tell if a child was gay in the womb you would be all for abortion.

BS: Actually you know that's an interesting point because I have said that if there were a gay gene that was ever discovered, if there were

SIF: You would love to. You'd abort.

BS: No, no, no Steve

SIF: No you would actually

BS: Steve you're making, you're making a judgment here that's improper and I'd love to have a conversation with you and I don't want to throw you off the air. First of all if you know anything about me, that's certainly not true. The second thing is Steve...Is he still there?

SIF: Oh I'm still here, but I'd like

BS: But Steve, Steve the point is that if there were ever a gay gene found?

SIF: Yeah?

BS: That would be the worst thing that could happen to homosexuals because you would see heterosexuals truly lining up to get the genetic test so they would make sure their child wasn't born with the gay gene. I'm telling you that there would be people who do that, I would be one of them but..

SIF: But you are one of them! Brian, you don't think we should get married. You have agreed with people that we're child molesters, you've agreed with people who

BS: I've what? I've what?

SIF: Brian I've listened to your show.

BS: I've agreed with people who are child molesters? What did you just say?

SIF: You've said gay people I mean that people have called in and said that gay people are child molesters and you [unintelligible] [crosstalk]

BS: No. No. I have said that there are a lot of gay people who were molested as children.

SIF: Brian. Don't. I mean seriously, I

BS: No seriously I do believe that and there are a host of psychologists who would come on the program right now to tell me about their clients who have admitted in and behind closed doors that that is and has been and issue in their lives, so let's keep that one on the table, I have no problem with that. But what you want me to say is that I hate gays and I won't go there.

SIF: You do Brian.

BS: I won't go there.

SIF: Then why can't we get married?

BS: It has nothing to do with hating you, it has to do with despising a behavior.

SIF: If you despise... What behavior are you despising?

BS: Okay, you probably despise my faith in the living God.

SIF: No I don't. I have absolutely. I don't despise anything.

BS: But you don't despise, okay, how about this? You despise my position on gays. Do you hate me?

SIF: No, I absolutely don't hate you. I just

BS: Okay you see it's the same thing with you Steve. I despise  I despise some of the practices that are out there in terms of sexual orientation and sexual lifestyles of all different types, both homosexual and heterosexual but I don’t hate. It’s called loving the sinner hating the sin. I have no problem with that.

SIF: Brian do you understand that you have that choice to say that but you don’t have the choice to dictate how I live my life.  I mean you have absolutely every right to

BS: You’re right, you have a thing called choice, you’re absolutely right. But in the mean time I can stand up for the rule of law and I can stand up for for I can stand up for the laws and I can stand up for morality and I can stand up for tradition. I can stand up for all of that and I can be as in your face as I would like to prevent you changing the laws of the land to completely destroy and pervert this country. I can do that. I have a right to do that, but I’m not going to hate you in the process.

SIF: So we’re not all equal? So we’re not all equal is what you are saying.

BS: You’re absolutely equal. You have the same right to marriage that I do.

SIF: No I don’t.

BS: Yes you do.

SIF: I can’t marry the person I love. I can’t marry the person I love.

BS: You have the same right to marry that I do.

SIF: So I can marry the person I love?

BS: If…you have to abide by the same rules I do.  (crosstalk) No Steve you have to

SIF: Yes or no, can I marry the person I’m in love with.

BS: Well okay

SIF: It's a simple yes or no.

BS: It dep…As long as you working within the confines of the law, yes.

SIF: Brian, can I marry the person I’m in love with? Can I marry.

BS: As long as your… Steve

SIF: Brian?…come on.

BS: Steve, how uh okay Steve what if your Steve

SIF: It’s a yes or no answer Brian.

BS: NO YOU CAN’T YOU JERK! Now listen to me! No you can’t jerk. Now listen to me right now. Don’t play this game with me Steve, what if you’re in love with two people? My guess is as a homosexual man you’ve been in love with a hundred how many you in love with right now Steve? HOW MANY!

SIF: Here comes the name calling.

BS: Can  you marry all of them Steve? No. You. Can’t. You have to marry somebody of the opposite sex they have to be over the age of 18 you cannot marry somebody of family and you can only marry one at a time. We all have the same rules and regulations Steve, that’s where it stands.  You lose the argument and you’re going to lose at life my friend with that kind of an attitude because your particular kind can’t reproduce! Get him off the line.

808 -5600 on KSFO I told you it was going to be a fighting Friday.  

Don’t do this yes or no question nonsense with me, I’ll play that game with you because I’m the host and I’m trying to move this show along, but don’t play it with me. You have the same rights as everyone else to get married, I just denoted them for  you right now and if you can’t handle that, then you can’t handle the truth.

808-5600 that’s the phone number on KSFO we will bring in Scott Abraham Clark and Scott by the end of the hour I want  you to look up who Abraham Clark is because you my friend are a patriot.

SAC: Alright Brian and we are going to check KSFO traffic now, this report brought to you by Lifetime. (Project Runway.)