If it bleeds it leads.
– Old TV news saying
Say this weekend you turn on the TV and there is a teaser headline. “Occupy Wall Street Protests Turn Violent!” You tune in to hear the details. An anchorman says something like, “As with the protests in Greece and Egypt, it was only a matter of time before the protests in America turned violent. Today Occupy Wall Street protesters began throwing rocks and bottles at police. ”
Now what do you do?
Do you drop to your knees, like Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes and scream at the TV? “You Maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you!”
Do you cynically shake your head and think, “That’s it, the movement has been discredited with violence just like back in the old days. Now the police will have an excuse to shut down all the Occupy protests with this as an excuse.”
I’m going to suggest another approach when you hear of reports of violence at an Occupy Wall Street protests.
Photo by DavidyDave, Flickr Creative Commons
1) Challenge the assumption that the violent protester(s) are actually Occupy Wall Street protesters.
The media . . . → Read More: What To Do When The Media Says a Protester Attacked A Cop