What if, after a disaster, Big Government treated people with the same cruelty that right-wing conservative Christian politicians say they want? What would that look like?
Dear Crushed Homeowner:
In the past you bitched about Big Government. That’s me. You voted people in place who said they hate Government. You have constantly railed against all Government spending–except War. Well, now is the time when you need Big Government. I’m betting today you have changed your tune since it is YOUR turn for help. Well guess what? Fuck you! HA!
For years I have been keeping track of what you said you wanted and who you voted into office. You said, “I don’t want Big Government!” Congrats! You win! No Big Government help for you!
Your neighbors, the dirty hippies who voted against the war, for a safety net and for people who believe in government, they will get help, but you won’t. As Thomas Friedman would say, “Suck. On. This!”
I can hear you screaming now, “But I’m a TAX PAYER!” Here’s the thing, I have implemented, at your insistence I might add, PAYGO and tax revenue profiles matched specifically to viewpoints. You can now know what each tax payer’s . . . → Read More: The shutdown is the GOP Waterboarding the Government. They are finally getting to drown it.