The New Giant Sucking Sound…From the East. The Trans-Pacific Partnership

I hope you enjoy my educational, parody video about the Trans Pacific Parternship Scheme.

For more information on the TPP

Urgent Fast Track Trade Deal Alert – Campaign for America’s Future

by Dave Johnson

And  Defend the Constitution, say ‘no’ to fast-track authority for Obama

by Cathie Adams,  state leader of the Texas Eagle Forum and Jo Ann Fleming, executive director of Grassroots America — We the People.

If the video above doesn’t play on your mobile device or doesn’t load fast enough, here is the YouTube Version.

If you want to sign a  quick petition to stop Fast Track for the TPP, you can go here to Credo

For more info see these stories.

1″TPP Leak Confirms the Worst: US Negotiators Still Trying to Trade Away Internet Freedoms,” Electronic Frontier Foundation, Nov. 13, 2013.
2″Five key questions – and answers – about the leaked TPP text,” the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, Nov. 15, 2013.TPP and Ross


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