What’s the Media Strategy of #Ferguson Protesters? The Police Have One.

Does it seem strange I want to know the “media strategy” of the protesters in Ferguson? I mean, they’re just a bunch of random people, catalyzed by an event, right? What are the protesters on the ground thinking? Do they know how they look to the world via the media? Who’s in charge? Is it the father?

“I just want justice for my son, I really do … I need everybody to come together so we can do this right, so we can get something done about this. No violence.”

– Michael Brown Senior

Aren’t they listening?

Although they don’t know it, the Ferguson protest and protesters do have a media strategy and a narrative. It was provided to them free of charge by the police and the media. It might change if you help.

You see, if a group or organization doesn’t have a media strategy or narrative someone will give it to them. Often the very group they have an issue with, like the police. Other times by the “impartial” media. Definitely and vigorously by the RW media. Occasionally and timorously by the LW media.

. . . → Read More: What’s the Media Strategy of #Ferguson Protesters? The Police Have One.

The Wubble Bubble. A Tested and Proven Wonderful Thing

Bunny Meyer looks at “As seen on TV” products and makes videos answering the question, “Does this thing really work?”

Her funny expressions and quips while testing the item make the whole video fun to watch, even the frustrating failures. However, the sheer joy she shows when playing with the Wubble Bubble and “Honey Dog” make the video shine.

Her verdict? Yes, it really works.


“I wish I could rewind time and be nine years old again in the summer, this totally would be my favorite toy to play with.”

She says that it is already sold out in Target stores around the country and it’s true. None can be found in SF.

You can order them from Amazon though.

Is it Funny When Pro-Troop Tea Partiers Are Scammed by RW Consultants?

The first answer to my headline questions would be, YES! Because who cares about them? We should laugh and rub our hands together in glee. “HA ha! Suckers!” But there is something more to do when we read about conservatives financially conning conservatives.

By defending the rights of others (especially ones we disagree with) we prove our values. We can direct people’s anger at the real enemy in their midst. Finally, helping the scammed removes the opportunity for the consultants to rally against an outsider enemy as they try to avoid anger directed at them.

Below I suggest a action for the people who were mislead and feel betrayed. The RW consultant group I’m talking about is the subject of a ProPublica piece by Kim Barker, ‘Pro-Troop’ Charity Pays Off Tea Party Cronies Instead: In summary she writes: “Move America Forward has collected millions to send care packages to U.S. troops. But its assets have been used to benefit conservative political consulting firms close to its Tea Party founder.” Barker does a tremendous amount of document-based research and makes this comment.

Yet an examination of its fundraising appeals, tax records and other documents shows that Move America Forward has . . . → Read More: Is it Funny When Pro-Troop Tea Partiers Are Scammed by RW Consultants?