Testing a bulletproof vest in Washington, D.C. September 1923. This work is from the National Photo Company collection at the Library of Congress.
I’ve marveled before at the multiple strategies the NRA uses to sell more guns. They make money after ever mass shooting. They have created an environment where the answer to any question about guns is more guns. It’s ridiculous, but clever. It makes sense that Donald Trump is happy to be part of this selling scheme.
I’ve been talking to people at several groups lately about what strategies can be used to make changes in how we tackle the gun problem in our society. I’m looking at multiple ways from legal to financial to cultural. I’ve wanted to know what worked, what didn’t and why.
As part of the exercise I looked at what the NRA did to get where they are today and wondered how a group could do the same, only with a different product, one that could prevent deaths.
What if that group had the same willingness the NRA has shown to use every technique in their bag of tricks to sell more products–no matter the consequences?
Illustration Credit: Spocko
I . . . → Read More: What If We Pushed Body Armor Like The NRA Pushes Guns?