Are you arguing about heathcare with a sockpuppet?

Sheri Wilson and Lamb Chop, a good sock puppet

I was out-of-town away from electronic communications last week, when I got home I heard and read about the successes of all my various activist friends in the healthcare front. Good job folks!

To catch up I listened to Sam Seder and Digby for an analysis of the whole situation. The conversation started before the vote to repeal Obamacare happened, and ended right after they heard it failed.

As a time-traveling Vulcan I know how this will end, but for the rest of you it is good to hear Digby and Sam giving the correct analysis, which is, “Okay we beat this back. Now they will work to sabotage the rest.” Digby and Sam also talk about how Trump and Ryan will work to sabotage the ACA. Because you know they will, but what specifically will they sabotage?

Here is what to expect, stories about:

Obamacare fraud committed by PATIENTS (which is the rarest kind, but fits their bias of brown people getting something for nothing.) “Ill-eagles” getting FREE healthcare High premium costs for users (this one is legit, but came about because of the end of subsidies, something . . . → Read More: Are you arguing about heathcare with a sockpuppet?

Dirty Funny Hippies

The T-shirt I’m wearing today.

Dirty Funny Hippies

It’s from the best convention I’ve ever attended in my life. The memory of the standing ovation I got after my talk about defunding right wing media keeps me going during the dark times. I’m proud to wear this shirt. It was so great to meet and get to know so many wonderful people. It may look like Bedford Falls is transforming into Pottersville now, but like George Bailey, if any of you had not existed, our world would be much darker. Sometimes we need the mean old Mr. Potter to remind us of what we value, why we fight, and who we fight for. Our recent victory in stopping the repeal of AHCA, reminds me what we can do when our gains are threatened, and we act. My favorite Capra movie is Meet John Doe, but I do love this line from “It’s a Wonderful Life.” – . “No man is a failure who has friends.” My life is richer from having met you all. To all Atriots, Dirty Funny Hippies and people bringing the light and fighting the darkness. Live Long and Prosper, –Spocko . . . → Read More: Dirty Funny Hippies

Senator Deb Fischer (R) Questioned at Nebraska Town Hall on Why She Voted YES to Allow Severe Mentally Ill to Get Guns

Audio only

Transcript. Angela Sorensen Thomas questions Sen. Deb Fischer vote to allow the severe mentally ill to buy guns. at Holdrege City Auditorium Town Hall on March 16, 2017

Angela Sorensen Thomas: AST Senator Deb Fischer DF

Photos by Eric Gregory Lincoln Journal Star

Angela Sorensen Thomas: Recently you voted for house joint bill resolution 40. That allows people who are so mentally unstable they need a guardian or representative to manage their bank accounts to buy deadly weapons.

I have a brother-in-law who was one of the 75,000 people in this category. And it terrifies me thinking about him getting a gun. He lives here in Nebraska. Fortunately for us he’s in a protected setting and it wouldn’t affect him now.

But 10 years ago it would’ve been deadly for him. Not necessarily that he’s a threat to anyone in this room, but he is a threat to himself. Can you explain to me why it’s so important for people who cannot manage their own funds, because of severe mental illness, to be able to obtain deadly weapons?


Deb Fischer: This was a resolution that I happen to agree with the ACLU and other groups . . . → Read More: Senator Deb Fischer (R) Questioned at Nebraska Town Hall on Why She Voted YES to Allow Severe Mentally Ill to Get Guns

Good news on the health insurance front!

The stock prices for all these health insurance companies are up since they met with Trump. Thanks Republicans!

We hear so many tragic stories about people who will go bankrupt and/or die because of the repeal of the ACA, and its pathetic replacement, that I thought Americans would want some good news about health care insurance. The stock price of every single publicly traded health insurance company represented in this photo has gone up since this photo* was taken on February 27, 2017! Humana. Was 207 now 217 UP $9 Cigna. Was 149 now 152 UP $3 UnitedHealth. Was 165 now 168 UP $3 Aetna. Was 129 now 132 UP $3 Anthem. Was 164 now 166 UP $2 Things are looking up! . On Vulcan we have a phrase that roughly translates to “Who benefits?” To understand who Trump and Republicans actually listen to, work backwards from the question, “Who benefits?” To determine what will happen next, look forward into what the men in this photo say they want every quarter on their financial conference calls. . . . → Read More: Good news on the health insurance front!