Trump has a long history of making threats. He also directs others, like Michael Cohen, to make threats to specific people. Trump supporters also hear that Trump expects them to “be tough” when Trump is attacked.
This week Trump explained to a Brietbart editor that when his people in the military and police reach a certain point he expects things will be “very bad, very bad” for his enemies. Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him
Image by WayneBreivogel
It is clear to me that we cannot stop Trump from inciting and suggesting violence, rather than trying to stop a jackass from braying, I want to focus on what you can do if a Trump supporter threatens you. Below is a case study of someone who was threatened online and the steps she took to deal with it. Here are the first three steps:
1) Don’t ignore them 2) Demand an investigation of the threats made and the person making them–establish the facts There should be due process for the people accused of making the threats 3) If the facts support the case, there should be appropriate consequences for the people who made the threats When . . . → Read More: What to do if a Trump supporter threatens you