From COVID-19 Contact Tracing Course.
How long is the incubation period for the disease? Two to 14 days, but typically five days. When does someone become contagious? Two days before showing symptoms. Course offered by Johns Hopkins University (link) 6,000 at Trump’s Tulsa Rally, June 20 Dozens of Secret Service officers and agents told to self-quarantine after Trump’s Tulsa rally, June 24 (link) Reporter at Trump’s Tulsa rally tests positive for COVID-19, June 26 (link) 3,000 at Trump’s Phoenix Rally, June 23
I’ve been writing about the need for contact tracing for a long time. I started by suggesting we should trace the people protesting in Lansing. Michigan, Link. Then I attended a conference that pointed out the need to ensure contact tracing was kept in the world of science and public health. It shouldn’t be politicized. I kept that in mind for future stories on enforcement of violations of people wearing masks.
May 26th following George Floyd’s murder 100’s and 1,000’s of people gathered outside to march and protest. Most wore masks. This continued for weeks.
Protest stemming from the recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, in Brookside neighborhood near 34th Street . . . → Read More: How will Trump block contact tracing after rallies?