Last night Brian Williams said “Big corps don’t like to be associated with seditionists.” He was talking about the corporations who have suspended donations to any member of Congress who objected to the certification of the Electoral College vote. This campaign was spearheaded by Judd Legum and his new publication Popular Information.
Popular Information contacted 144 corporations that, through their corporate PACs, donated to one or more of these eight Senators in the 2020 election cycle. Popular Information asked if they would continue to support these Senators in the future. In response, three major companies said they would stop donating to any member of Congress who objected to the certification of the Electoral College vote. – Major corporations say they will stop donating to members of Congress who tried to overturn the election – Jan 10, 2021 by Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria Image by @leahmillis via Rueters
3 major corporations say they’ll stop donating to members of Congress who tried to overturn the election
BlueCross BlueShield (@BCBSAssociation)
Marriott (@MarriottIntl)@CommerceBank
Follow along for more on these 3 plus 141 other corps
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) January 10, 2021
I jumped on this . . . → Read More: 6 Steps To Defund GOP Seditionists #DefundSeditionists