Who ordered COVID testing to be halted & delayed the day of Trump’s Tulsa rally?

In Carol Leonnig’s and Philip Rucker’s book “I Alone Can Fix It” they wrote that someone ordered COVID testing to be halted and delayed the day of Trump’s Tulsa rally.

I investigated this and found out that this violated Oklahoma’s public health laws, so I went to their virtual book tours to ask them who gave the orders to halt testing?

Here’s the passage (p. 199)

My friend Nicole Sandler was able to ask Philip Rucker the question.


The answer? We don’t know. I think that Carol Leonnig knows, but she wasn’t asked the question. And if she does, she might not say because she is protecting her sources.

Based on my conversations and emails with the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Tulsa’s Department of Health and public health experts, it appears that this person(s) violated Oklahoma law.

Halting & delaying testing the day of the rally prevented discovery of others who may be infected. This appears to be a violation of Oklahoma state law, Title 63. Public Health and Safety statutes. Specifically, under §63-6103, The Catastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act,

Someone in the Trump campaign prevented Oklahoma state and local officials from gaining immediate . . . → Read More: Who ordered COVID testing to be halted & delayed the day of Trump’s Tulsa rally?