“I am calling on Mr. DeJoy to be fired or resign,” government watchdog Lisa Graves told lawmakers on Monday morning, during a briefing on postal operations before the House Oversight Committee. True North Research, the organization Graves heads, found that DeJoy — who runs a North Carolina shipping firm — had been sued by his brother Dominick for allegedly siphoning money from the trucking company founded by their father. –– Alexander Nazaryan Yahoo News .
Lisa’s an expert on vetting people and she found out that the Board of Governors missed some doozies. Like this one she uncovered, ( Bloomberg)
DeJoy Gave $600,000 to GOP After Postmaster Job Opened Up
DeJoy gave President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee more than $600,000 over eight weeks after the opening was announced, Lisa Graves, executive director of True North Research, which investigates the influence of money on public policy, said in written testimony submitted to a panel of the House Oversight Committee in advance of a hearing MondayBut the part that got my attention was how Louis DeJoy’s own brother sued him for hiding mail and money from him. From Graves’ research (link)
Louis DeJoy Was Sued by His Brother Who Alleged a Pattern of Financial Deception, which DeJoy Denied
- Dominick alleged that Louis DeJoy opened three different bank accounts in his name, forging his signature without his permission, and that he did not know these financial accounts–that held millions of dollars–were in his name. Louis DeJoy claimed they often signed each other names on documents.
- Dominick also alleged that Louis DeJoy hid the mailed bank statements for three different bank or investment accounts in Dominick’s name from him for more than five years, from 1994-2000, or had employees of the company hide that monthly mail from him.
Dominick DeJoy, Jr., who alleged that Mr. DeJoy told him certain companies were subsidiaries of the family business they owned jointly but then it turned out that Mr. DeJoy had secretly created companies with a similar name that were held only in his name and the name of another brother, Michael DeJoy, who also denied wrongdoing. Dominick DeJoy, Jr., swore in his complaint that Mr. DeJoy cheated him out of millions of dollars of business that he helped generate through this secret arrangement, and that Mr. DeJoy was able to do so because he had trained as an accountant and knew how to structure different legal entities. The DeJoy brothers reached a confidential settlement in 2000. There were never any charges brought for the allegations regarding signing someone else’s name. Nevertheless, the claims alleged are troubling given the position of enormous public responsibility Mr. DeJoy now holds.Look, I don’t want to draw comparisons between the DeJoy Family and The Trump Family. Maybe Mary Trump could explain the mind of someone who manipulates financial documents to screw his brother (and family) out of millions from the family business. Raw Story has more details, like how they haven’t talked since 2001. (“You never call you never write. What, you need stamps? I’ve got a million of ’em!” ) The other big thing I learned from talking to Lisa about this is that only the Board of Governors can fire DeJoy. Congress can’t impeach Postmaster General DeJoy. so what can people do? Tell the USPS Board of Governors to fire Louis DeJoy. Mail them a postcard saying Fire DeJoy 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, D.C. 20260 As Rep. Katie Porter knows, but Dejoy doesn’t, postcard stamps are 35¢

Name | Title | Political party | Term begin | Term expiration | Notes |
Louis DeJoy | Postmaster General | Republican | June 15, 2020 | No term limit | 75th United States postmaster general[16] |
Robert M. Duncan | Governor, Chairman | Republican | August 2018 | December 8, 2025 | Re-elected as chairman in November 2019[17] |
Ron A. Bloom | Governor | Democratic[18] | August 20, 2019 | December 8, 2020 | Chair of Strategy and Innovation Committee[19] |
Roman Martinez IV | Governor | Republican[20] | August 1, 2019 | December 8, 2024 | Chair of Audit and Finance Committee[21] |
John McLeod Barger | Governor | Republican[22] | August 1, 2019 | December 8, 2021 | Chair of Compensation and Governance Committee[23] |
Donald L. Moak | Governor[24] | Democratic[25] | June 18, 2020 | December 8, 2022 | Replacing Alan C. Kessler[26] |