Fortenberry, convicted liar and thin-skinned bully, resigns @spockosbrain

Nebraska Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry is a convicted liar who has now resigned. Good. But he has never been held accountable for abusing the power of his office to hunt down and threaten the jobs of people who criticized him with a joke. You might remember his Chief of Staff made national news for threatening a state university professor for LIKING a Facebook post of a sign calling him Fartenberry.

But what most people don’t know is how Fortenberry abused the power of his office to hunt down the people who put googly eyes on that sign. Fortenberry’s office got two Lincoln detectives assigned to lift fingerprints, get DNA samples and comb through cell phone calls like it was a murder case. Keep in mind this happened in a community with 1,000s of untested rape kits.

Later, when people put googly eyes and post it notes on the door of his office and the office of Sen. Deb Fischer, he again overreacted.

Fortenberry got the TV show CRIMEBUSTERS to ask the public to identify his critics!

Instead of laughing it off, Fortenberry and Sen Deb Fischer pursued a criminal case for property damages of one dollar! Sen. Deb Fischer . . . → Read More: Fortenberry, convicted liar and thin-skinned bully, resigns @spockosbrain

Stop helping Republicans weasel out of targeting politicians for death

It’s time to bust these lying weasels for their treasonous acts & reckless endangerment of politicians’ lives. Boebert’s tweet about Speaker Pelosi had the same energy Rep. Lauren Boebert tweeted that Nancy Pelosi had left the House Chambers which let the insurrectionists know when she was there.

This weekend Senators Rubio, Daines and Grassley all tweeted out info about where a politician was at a specific time to people who wanted to kill them. It reminded me of Lauren Boebert’s tweet about Pelosi during the January 6th insurrection. Once again we see Republicans giving out location information of a politician to people who want to kill them.

This SHOULD be an opportunity for Democrats to nail these three senators and Rep. Boebert’s for their reckless endangerment and, in the case of Boebert, her treasonous behavior. When this first happened I tweeted about it, then predicted the GOP lies and how they would spin it to the MSM. (I could show you the timestamp to prove that I got it right but that’s not a big deal.) But what I want to do now is go further into what the 3 GOPs said & how the media could . . . → Read More: Stop helping Republicans weasel out of targeting politicians for death