Marcy Wheeler, ‘Emptywheel’ on Trump, Espionage and the FBI Seizure of Stolen NatSec Docs at Mar-a-Lago: ‘BradCast’ 8/17/2022

Marcy Wheeler, ‘Emptywheel’ on Trump, Espionage and the FBI Seizure of Stolen NatSec Docs at Mar-a-Lago: ‘BradCast’ 8/17/2022 This is the Otter.AI transcript of the Bradcast. Here is the audio link to the show.

Bradcast Marcy Wheeler, ‘Emptywheel’ on Trump, Espionage and the FBI Seizure of Stolen NatSec Docs at Mar-a-Lago: 8/17/2022

Podcast on Stitcher:

Marcy Wheeler, @emptywheel Brad Friedman Bradcast M-F 7-pm to 8 pm Twitter: @TheBradBlog

Brad Friedman 19:47

So yeah, they we are still searching. They are still searching. We’re all still searching for documents at Mar a Lago and answers to what the hell is going on in this nation and with Our former President. Welcome back to the broadcast Brad Friedman from There is a lot we now know but there is still much more that we do not know. Following the FBI is federal court approved search of Donald Trump’s Mar a Lago compound in Florida last week, seeking to retrieve as we now know, following the unsealing of the warrant highly sensitive classified national security documents that were stolen from the White House when the former President left office last year. The search by several dozen FBI agents based on . . . → Read More: Marcy Wheeler, ‘Emptywheel’ on Trump, Espionage and the FBI Seizure of Stolen NatSec Docs at Mar-a-Lago: ‘BradCast’ 8/17/2022

How to use attacks on the informer against Trump & his MAGA mob

Exclusive: An Informer Told the FBI What Docs Trump Was Hiding, and Where William Arkin of Newsweek revealed that there was an informer at Mar-a-lago. Everyone will be speculating on WHO it was. I want to talk about how we can use the expected attacks on the informer against Trump and his MAGA mob.

We know what Trump will do. He’ll go after the informer on social media. It’s what he does. His people will get the message. The informer is in danger. The FBI knows who the person is, so this a perfect opportunity to capture all the calls/texts/ social media threats, smears and libel coming at them from all sources. But will they? And if they do, what will they do with this information?

If they chose to, the FBI can use the expected threats to build strong criminal cases against the people making them. And, if the informer chooses to, they can build strong civil cases against the people defaming, harassing and threatening them.

We know that the FBI has a method when working with sources to prepare them following witness tampering. When Trump called a witness Glenn Kirschner explained how the FBI prepares for witness tampering . . . → Read More: How to use attacks on the informer against Trump & his MAGA mob

The J6 Committee has the “missing” texts

I think the J6 committees already knows the contents of the missing texts from the Secret Service, DHS and now the DoD. Texts of top Trump officials in the Department of Defense wiped. The “missing texts” investigation is designed to reveal people involved in the cover up. It’s a setup to implicate Trumpers embedded in government. And it’s working, it’s already exposed actions and non-actions taken by Trump appointed Inspector General, Joseph Cuffari. Monday, Reps. Bennie Thompson and Carolyn Maloney ( said they also have new evidence the inspector general’s office stopped trying to recover the missing records over a year ago. Link

.@SamSeder the J6 cmte telling the media the Secret Service texts are "missing" is a set up designed to catch those who tried & are trying to obstruct justice. It's working too, it's exposed IG Cuffari. @MattLech @majorityfmGood Job #J6committee! @January6thCmte

— Spocko (@spockosbrain) August 2, 2022

“But Spocko,” you ask, “if the committee has copies of the texts, why didn’t they reveal them?” There are a couple of reasons. Not revealing the content now is giving the committee the opportunity to get more people in to “refresh their memory” and cut deals. They . . . → Read More: The J6 Committee has the “missing” texts