By spocko, on December 17th, 2020% Everyone wants to show the happy videos of people getting vaccine shots. Especially the Governors in the 12 states that haven’t passed mask mandates. They will crow about how Their President got them the vaccine. Not said, but implied, is that their refusal to pass a mass mandate was justified before and is not necessary now.
The Experts say we will still need masks for months and to not relax the mask protocols. How do you send that message?
Method 1 Have the top medical experts tell the Governors behind the scenes, “You don’t get to be part of the vaccination press conference unless you pass a mask mandate.”
People in the public health medical community still want to believe that Governors will respond to facts and science. They won’t. Withholding good PR at a press conference isn’t withholding their vaccine, just the reflected success of a vaccine. But since most public health experts don’t want to be this direct I suggest:
Method 2 COACH THE MEDIA ON HOW TO ASK the Governor why there is no mask mandate and won’t be. Prep the experts to point out the EXCESS DEATHS that will happen because there is no MASK MANDATE. . . . → Read More: Use Vaccinations to Force Govs to Pass Mask Mandates
By spocko, on November 29th, 2020% While watching the videos of people traveling home for Thanksgiving I heard experts say spikes in cases and deaths have happened after every major holiday since the pandemic started. They also pointed to increases in cases and deaths after the Sturgis Rally and Trump’s rallies.
I wondered, why doesn’t someone use the hard data from previous holidays to put pressure on Governors in states like South Dakota and Nebraska to make changes NOW?
And since data isn’t enough for some people, why doesn’t someone shoot videos of coffins and ICU wards to play on TV every night and social media during the day? It’s because too many people don’t want to believe that there are people who are willfully and maliciously spreading misinformation which leads to sickness and death.
People who are doing public health communications believe in the model that “good speech drives out bad speech” that is partially correct, but what is also correct is that there needs to be campaigns and methods to deal with the people who are willful spreading dangerous misinformation. It is a threat to the health and safety of Americans. It constitutes threatening speech and threatening speech is NOT protected speech.
I . . . → Read More: Stay Alive! Stop Accepting Trump’s Failed COVID Policies
By spocko, on November 20th, 2020%
Americans have adapted to the velocity of deaths from COVID-19. We need to understand our perceptions have been distorted, so we can act urgently and stop accepting the obstructing behavior of politicians and acceptance by the media.
Like in a war, the number of deaths in the early days that were seen as horrific, now seem normal. I was thinking of a way to talk about this when I found this piece in The Association for Psychological Science.
Too Fast, Too Slow: Judging–And Misjudging–Speeds
This distortion of perception applies to speeding in a car, but also when people watch fast videos for awhile and then normal speed ones.
It’s happens in freeway driving. You leave a highway to take an off-ramp, the fast speeds seem more normal than slower ones, and going the legal limit seems especially slow.
How do we get back to the urgency of action in the early days to a GREATER urgency to act NOW to prevent MORE deaths?
Hammer ALL Governors to push mask mandates NOW & other public health actions People are dying! Stop waiting for elections to be certified.
Hammer GOP officials for allowing Trump to mope while people die My . . . → Read More: We’ve adapted to the velocity of COVID-19 deaths. That needs to stop.
By spocko, on October 31st, 2020% Stanford Researchers: Trump Rallies Led to 30,000 COVID-19 Infections, 700 Deaths
According to their research, 18 rallies held between June 20 and September 22 led to more than 30,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The researchers also concluded that the rallies “likely led” to more than 700 deaths, although not necessarily among those who attended the events. -Slate October 31
The Effects of Large Group Meetings on the Spread of COVID-19: The Case of Trump Rallies B. Douglas Bernheim, Nina Buchmann, Zach Freitas-Groff, Sebasti´an Otero* PDF link to abstract
Trump rallies that led to sickness and death of his rally goers and others in the community has been proven. Why are they still allowed to continue? They need to be stopped. I know people throw their hands up and say, “It’s too late, there is nothing we can do now to stop them.” Okay, if that’s the case then what’s your next step? Make the Trump campaign pay a price for this suffering and death to the communities they infected.
During Trump’s Tampa Rally the fire department was called to cool off the crowd. EMT took multiple people to the hospital for heat stroke. Who paid for that . . . → Read More: Study: Rallies led to 30K COVID cases, 700 deaths. Make Trump pay for holding them
By spocko, on October 6th, 2020%
“Generations to come will remember this decade. If we cannot eliminate the cause and prevent the repetition of these barbaric events this century may yet succeed in bringing the doom of civilization.
The time has come for final judgment and if the case I present seems hard and uncompromising then it is only because the evidence makes it so. A glance at the dock will show that despite quarrels among themselves each defendant played a part that fitted in with every other and all advanced a common plan.
It was these men among millions of others, and it was these men leading millions of others, who built up Donald Trump. They intoxicated him. He, of the psychopathic personality, with power and adulation. They fed his hates, aroused his fears. They put a loaded gun in his eager hands.
It was left to Trump to pull the trigger. When he did, they all at that time, applauded. Trump’s guilt stands admitted by some defendants reluctantly by some, vindictively. But Trump’s guilt is the guilt of the whole dock and of every man in it. These defendants now ask this tribunal to say they are not guilty of planning, executing, or . . . → Read More: When Trump’s enablers are prosecuted Alec Baldwin can give this speech
By spocko, on September 29th, 2020% Did you spot this tweet this morning from Eric Trump?
Check his ears!!! 🦻🏻
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 29, 2020
What was THAT about? They are trying to accuse Biden of getting wireless info from someone off camera, just like George W. Bush was accused of doing back in 2004 during his John Kerry Debate. NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate Physicist says imaging techniques prove the president’s bulge was not caused by wrinkled clothing. Salon, October 30, 2004 by Kevin Berger
Typical Trump projection, when you can’t win on merit, cheat. But first they accuse the other of cheating, knowing that the press go for the “both sides” and the left will have to defend themselves from not cheating and if they the submit to the baseless claims Team Trump is ready to show THEY didn’t cheat (THIS time, in THAT way.) That’s what’s behind the “Biden’s on drugs! Biden’s demented!” attacks.
The media are trained to go through the ridiculous process no matter how outrageous. If they decline? “What do they have to hide?”
But what this attack reminded me how of the time in 2004 when Bush was shown . . . → Read More: Bush wore an earpiece at 2004 debate but the NYTimes killed the story
By spocko, on September 24th, 2020% Check out this cool new product provided to sheriffs and police departments by Bill Barr under “Operation Legend” This is a from Memphis.
Shelby County Sherrifs just met us with their new electronic “Tazer” shields. “Operation Legend” Funds funneled by the Trump/Barr adminstration. #ThingsAreNotOk
— Hunter demster (@hunter_demster) September 24, 2020
I’m still trying to track down the manufacturer, but until then I’m going with Omni Consumer Products from RoboCop. I mean, just look at the OCP logo on that Taser™ Shield!
Apparently this is part of Bill Barr’s Project Legend that is pumping resources into cities to stop “violent crime. But in this piece frpm WREG on September 10th, Josh Spickler with Just City (@joshspickler @JustCity901) calls Operation Legend a “fear-based” campaign stunt.
“Many of these folks in Memphis in particular are not charged with violent crimes,” Spickler said. “In reality, crime is down. Our community still struggles with crime and with violent crime in particular. But that is no reason to invite federal agents on to our streets. That is no reason to raise fear.”
He says address the systemic issues instead.
“If the federal government were serious about helping Memphis with some . . . → Read More: Barr buys RoboCop Taser Shields for Memphis cops
By spocko, on September 15th, 2020% My friend Lisa Graves testified Monday in front of the House Subcommittee on Government Operations Hearing on “Postal Update.”
“I am calling on Mr. DeJoy to be fired or resign,” government watchdog Lisa Graves told lawmakers on Monday morning, during a briefing on postal operations before the House Oversight Committee. True North Research, the organization Graves heads, found that DeJoy — who runs a North Carolina shipping firm — had been sued by his brother Dominick for allegedly siphoning money from the trucking company founded by their father. –– Alexander Nazaryan Yahoo News .
A boy like that he’ll cheat his brother. Fire that boy and hire another!
Lisa’s an expert on vetting people and she found out that the Board of Governors missed some doozies. Like this one she uncovered, ( Bloomberg)
DeJoy Gave $600,000 to GOP After Postmaster Job Opened Up DeJoy gave President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee more than $600,000 over eight weeks after the opening was announced, Lisa Graves, executive director of True North Research, which investigates the influence of money on public policy, said in written testimony submitted to a panel of the House Oversight Committee in . . . → Read More: DeJoy was sued by his brother for hiding his mail & millions from him
By spocko, on September 7th, 2020% On my ride during the 100 degree record breaking heat I stopped at Spreckels Lake Model Yacht Facility in Golden Gate Park to get some water.
I sat under a tree eating my almond butter and raspberry jelly sandwich when a masked little boy approached and asked if I wanted some lemonade. As a rule, when riding my bike I always stop to buy lemonade from kids. I also always over pay. I like to chat with the kids (first to make sure there is no high fructose corn syrup in the mix) and then to find out how business is going.
After he found out they used regular sugar, I asked for the strawberry lemonade. I clipped two dollars to my makeshift social distancing tool and had him put the cup down on the ground.
I told him that after I was done I was going to try the regular lemonade. Like a an excellent server he noticed when I had finished my first and brought me another. “This one is a special mix I made of strawberry and lemonade!” he proudly told me.
I wanted to take his photo so I asked a nearby parent for permission. . . . → Read More: SF kids’ BLM lemonade stand
By spocko, on August 24th, 2020% Rachel Maddow gave an almost giddy recitation of all the laws that the RNC might break, from Melania Trump’s speech in the White House Rose Garden to using a Federal Building for partisan purposes. But one of the most deadly might be if they allow more than 50 people to be inside at the same time.
The current scuttlebutt is that multiple people will be attending in person at both DC AND North Carolina venues. Depending on the venue local and Federal laws on mask mandates & the number of people allowed at indoor gatherings could be broken. Who will be sent to ensure compliance? The Mayor of D.C.? The Mayor of Charlotte? The Surgeon General?
Hermain Cain is dead. People who attended the Tulsa rally got infected. These are both facts. This information SHOULD have BEEN used by the public health community as evidence to prevent ANY more large scale, in-person indoor rallies, especially when there are no-mask requirements and enforcement of social distancing rules. The information DID lead to Pence cancelling an event in Jacksonville, but it could have led to even MORE scientific proof that these types of events are deadly and should be banned NATIONWIDE. . . . → Read More: Make Team Trump Pay For Holding Deadly Rallies, Including the RNC
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