Why crap stats about gun free zones must be called out 

Gun humpers love to spread crap data. Their go to guy is John Lott. Even though his data has been debunked and is crap, it works for the believers and it sucks in unaware people too. Why is that?

Because normal people don’t want to argue with gun humpers. Who wants to argue with assholes? But gun humpers want to argue with you! Usually using their own rules, data and assumptions.

If nobody is constantly challenging their data and bullshit ideas like “more people with guns will save the day!” they get laws passed where more people have guns in more places. And they don’t save the day.

Here’s some recent research on mass shooting in Gun Free Zones, in case anyone wants to see it. But like the Mueller Report, the people who should read it, won’t. Mass Shootings in the United States: 2009-2016 -Study April 11, 2017 Everytown Research

I also got a lot of solid information on other research like the FBI studies in this great article by Evan Defilippis and Devin Hughes ·June 18, 2015,

Commentary: Gun-Rights Advocates Say Places That Ban Guns Attract Mass Shooters. The Data Says They’re Wrong. Debunking the myths . . . → Read More: Why crap stats about gun free zones must be called out 

I call out gun humpers’ crap stats on gun free zones

Gun humpers love to spread what I call bumpersticker “logic” and crap data. Even though it is crap, it is really powerful for the believers and it sucks in unaware people too. I just spend 7 hours trying to make a compelling short video about BS that the Gun nuts spread. I don’t think I was successful. Now my mousing arm and shoulder hurt.

However here is the attempt

Here’s the problem, normal people don’t want to challenge gun humpers, because who wants to argue with assholes? But they want to argue with you! Usually using their own rules, data and assumptions.

If nobody is constantly challenging their data and bullshit ideas like “more people with guns will save the day!” they get laws passed where more people have guns in more places.

Here’s the research, in case anyone wants to see it. “Mass Shootings in the United States: 2009-2016 -Study April 11, 2017 Everytown Research

Also I got a lot of great information to links from FBI studies in this great article Commentary: Gun-Rights Advocates Say Places That Ban Guns Attract Mass Shooters. The Data Says They’re Wrong. Debunking the myths about gun-free zones. BY Evan Defilippis . . . → Read More: I call out gun humpers’ crap stats on gun free zones

AOC gets daily death threats. Who is going to act on them?

In this piece about the threats that AOC gets, she tweets about the “anonymous” threats that they get.

Yep. Our offices are flooded with bigoted calls too – so much so that we have to put energy into searching for actual constituents.

We forward all the threats to Capitol Police to build files. For all those who think your bigoted calls + digital threats are anonymous: Enjoy! https://t.co/Tw0LWnpmDh

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 1, 2019

So, the Capitol Police are building files. Great. What happens next? We often hear about how the Secret Service goes and has a “talk” with people who make threats to the President or other high-ranking politicians. Are AOC and IIhar Omar getting help from the Secret Service or FBI? If so, I’d like to read about people who have been arrested, tried and convicted. People need to read about those stories.

For a long time I’ve been thinking about how poorly we deal with on-line threats. Especially to women and especially from men with guns.

I think an organization needs to step in to help people (especially women) who get threatened online. There are groups that defend speech, but as I have pointed . . . → Read More: AOC gets daily death threats. Who is going to act on them?

QOTD: Dana Milbank

“People often describe [Trump] as ‘unraveling,’ but that implies he was once fully knitted.”

-Dana Milbank, May 22, 2019 Washington Post Trump seems to be transparently mad

How to knit a Trump doll instructions by @Jensalittleloopy

Who can short circuit Trump’s claims of executive privilege?

Back before the Mueller Report was released to the public, I though a lot of redactions in the Mueller report would be Executive Privilege ones. I was wrong.

Barr didn’t use Executive Privilege to redact info, but now the question of Executive Privilege and the Report comes up again.

At the time the report was released I asked my friend Lisa Graves, co-director of Documented , if she would be talking about redactions on the Lawrence O’Donnell show. I had a few questions about Executive Privilege that I know the answers to now, but I really wanted to know what smart moves Democrats could make given this current delaying tactic?

Trump does things like this all the time, ignoring norms and breaking conventions. The democrats on the committee always seem to be in reactive mode. Trump’s assertion of Executive Privilege is bogus, so what are the steps to flip it so it hurts Trump and speeds his impeachment?

Ian Millhiser over at ThinkProgress said,

Trump’s claim that the Mueller report is protected by executive privilege is hot garbage

He doesn’t have a legal claim, but he can probably run out the clock.

There are two big Executive . . . → Read More: Who can short circuit Trump’s claims of executive privilege?

No-Permit Gun Carry Bill Dead after Advocate Threatens Texas House Speaker’s Family

This story starts with an online threat by someone with a gun. Because it was taken seriously by the people threatened, the consequences to the perpetrator extended beyond a single act. It’s a companion to my case study, What To Do If A Trump Supporter Threatens You. I was going to call it, “What To Do If a Gun McNutt Threatens You.” but that would look too much like a joke. This story is no joke.

In March gun-rights activist Chris McNutt posted rants on Facebook about lack of movement on a Texas bill allowing gun owners to legally carry handguns without obtaining a state-issued license. McNutt, executive director of Texas Gun Rights, then drove to Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen’s home about 50 miles south of Houston while Bonnen was in Austin and his wife and teenage sons were home. McNutt also visited the homes of Reps. Dustin Burrows of Lubbock and Four Price of Amarillo.

Here’s how the story unfolded. The first story is from March 30th in The Facts, a Brazoria County Texas paper. Emphasis mine

After McNutt posted his North Texas visits to social media, the Bonnen family got word the Department of Public Safety . . . → Read More: No-Permit Gun Carry Bill Dead after Advocate Threatens Texas House Speaker’s Family

Florida House to Vote on Giving More Teachers Guns, Just Days After Armed Teacher Injured Child

On Thursday, March 21, the Florida House Education Committee passed out of committee a broad school safety bill (HB 7093) that would expand an existing guardian program to allow classroom teachers at private and charter schools to volunteer to carry weapons on campus if local school boards approve. (link)

On Friday, March 22, Henry Rex Weaver, 74 a substitute teacher at Blountsville Elementary School discharged his gun inside his pocket. A child was injured, treated at the scene of the crime, and released. (link)

Henry Rex Weaver, Teacher at Blountsville Elementary School in Blountsville, Alabama. Mug shot from Blount County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook page and WBRC video

On April 3, the bill, HB 7093 on School Safety, goes to the full house. A key part of the bill allows charter schools and private schools to have the Guardian program. If that passes, more teachers will be legally allowed to carry guns in classrooms. If people want to stop that, ALL members of the House need to see this story and other examples of failures of armed teachers. (See more examples below.)

Sadly, the Guardian program is already law, 49 school districts said NO to it, but 25 said . . . → Read More: Florida House to Vote on Giving More Teachers Guns, Just Days After Armed Teacher Injured Child

What to do if a Trump supporter threatens you

Trump has a long history of making threats. He also directs others, like Michael Cohen, to make threats to specific people. Trump supporters also hear that Trump expects them to “be tough” when Trump is attacked.

This week Trump explained to a Brietbart editor that when his people in the military and police reach a certain point he expects things will be “very bad, very bad” for his enemies. Trump Again Threatens Violence If Democrats Don’t Support Him

Image by WayneBreivogel

It is clear to me that we cannot stop Trump from inciting and suggesting violence, rather than trying to stop a jackass from braying, I want to focus on what you can do if a Trump supporter threatens you. Below is a case study of someone who was threatened online and the steps she took to deal with it. Here are the first three steps:

1) Don’t ignore them 2) Demand an investigation of the threats made and the person making them–establish the facts There should be due process for the people accused of making the threats 3) If the facts support the case, there should be appropriate consequences for the people who made the threats When . . . → Read More: What to do if a Trump supporter threatens you

Let’s Use Trump’s Threats To Topple Him

Trump makes threats. Sometimes he personally makes them, other times he has people do it for him.


Rep. Speier: How many times did Mr. Trump ask you to threaten an individual or entity on his behalf?

Michael Cohen: Quite a few times.

Rep. Jackie Speier: 50 times? Cohen: More

Rep. Jackie Speier: 100 times? Cohen: More

Rep. Jackie Speier: 200 times? Cohen: More

Rep. Jackie Speier: 500 times?

Michael Cohen: Probably, over the 10 years.

Cohen says he made “threats of litigation” which makes them sound nice and polite. But listen to this call Cohen made to a reporter. (Link) It’s more than a legal threat. That’s a threat of violence.

For Trump, legal threats aren’t enough. He wants the people on the other end to be afraid for their life. Trump’s use of threats of violence can provide another route to impeachment, in addition to all his campaign finance crimes and other law breaking. Remember this threat to Stormy Daniels and her daughter?

“A guy walked up on me and said to me: ‘Leave Trump alone. Forget the story,’” Clifford said. “Then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, ‘That’s a beautiful little . . . → Read More: Let’s Use Trump’s Threats To Topple Him

Stop letting lobbyists, pundits and media decide who is electable in 2020

On the January 2nd episode of The Majority Report, Sam Seder talked about the folly of deciding on ‘electability” now.

“Making the electability argument is the most detrimental force to getting a better candidate from the perspective of the left. Because “electability” is exactly what you will hear to discount anyone coming from the left.”

It’s a great point. He goes on to explain that the center right wants to define electability. He points out that there are people and industries that want to set what is electable for the left, especially in certain issues, like health care.

Then they illustrated this with clips of two democrats who were auditioning for lobbyist positions for drug companies and health insurance companies following the 2020 elections.

The drug companies and health insurance firms will want to influence whomever is running for president on the left. Since nobody knows exactly who it will be, they will cover all their bets. They hire former politicians as lobbyists on the left, betting that in 2020 a Democrat president will be in power.

The drug and insurance companies want to determine what is “electable” FOR THEM. They want to set what is a “reasonable” position on . . . → Read More: Stop letting lobbyists, pundits and media decide who is electable in 2020