People in media and politics love dark money, especially if they are gettin’ some. –Spocko
On Fresh Air yesterday they talked to campaign expert Neil Oxman about making political ads. He talks about how much money congressional campaigns spend on TV and how much it costs today.
Even beyond the cost of the way college in tuition have gone up. I mean, the cost of American television has exceeded every year the cost of inflation by many times.
He talks about the new role in social media but explains why it’s still not as important as reaching voters, whom he points out are older people.
And older people watch TV. They’re much more passive about how they get their information. They sit in front of the television. They don’t flick away from commercials. They watch TV. Kids today don’t watch TV on TV. They watch it on every other thing they can get. They watch it on their phones. They watch on their iPads. They watch it on computers.
So his premise, and I’m sure he has data to back it up, is that this expensive medium is the best way to reach the target . . . → Read More: A Darker Side of Dark Money: Negative Ads Are Just the Start