Don’t have time to read and dog ear the corners of books but want your friends to think you have?
Introducing the Heritage Foundation’s Freedom to Read ™ program.
Starting this April The Heritage Foundation has teamed with AEI, AFP, Cato, Hoover Institute and the EIEIO Institute to offer you pre-owned and distressed books for your home!
Includes all the classics you never had time to read, but want to say you have like:
The Fountainhead! Atlas Shrugged! Saul Alinsky’s, Rules for Radicals! (They’ve read it, why can’t you say you have?)
Hot current books like:
The complete, “Killing Somebody” series by Bill O’Reilly!
Books you didn’t read in college but said you did like:
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations!
Bills the liberals have tried to ram down your throat like:
The Gay Agenda Bill and the “Give Homos Special Rights Bill” The Affordable Care Act–all 906 pages! The bill that inspired the “Read the Bill!” chant!
For a low monthly fee we also send you Heritage, AEI, Cato and Hoover Institute books our experts turn out each month that you only hear about on Fox, Hannity . . . → Read More: Heritage’s Freedom To Read™ program